Many people from grade X, XI, and XII asked me about what I'm doing. It seems like.... What I see, I think, and I miss are nearly impossible! But to me, nothing is impossible! When a program isn't accomplished, it is only being postponed. What we have started NEVER be nothing, it starts something BIG in the future. We never failed, but what we expect to happen NOW never always really happened. There is always a time to change and to start a change. "To start a change" is what I am doing NOW!
These days I have been thinking about saving a life, saving a generation, saving a family:
Red for blood
Each countries needs at least 2% blood stock from a country population.
In Indonesia: AB -> 7%
A -> 15%
O -> the rest of the percentage
*Other special needs blood excluded <- THIS ONE IS PRECIOUS
What are the advantages of doing a blood donation?
Make your body fresh which means your brain functions be better because you will produce new blood.
You could save a life you don't know from any races. It could be a baby or sick people.
You could save your close relatives' life.
You are doing something good. To get used to helping people sincerely.
Humbling your self down, shaping your character.
And many more will you feel after you donate your blood.
Why should we donate our blood?
Because I want to save a life!
*How if the one who needs blood is you? Or may be your best friends or families?*
If you don't want to donate blood, you may donate your money! For the leak of facilities : )
PMI Bandung - Jalan Aceh NO. 79, Bandung
Green for nature
A tree for a single breathe and pollutions for destruction
40 years later it is possible that we will buy oxygen besides foods! Imagine if oxygen is no longer free?
20 years later it is possible that we won't feel comfortable if we don't use AC due to the high temperature.
10 years later it is possible that we won't see the same beaches we see today.
Every years later it is possible for a species to extinct and our children mayn't see them alive.
Other problems are polluted waters and our land filled in with trashes.
The UV light may get through our atmosphere someday. Yes, someday if we don't ACT!
We don't want such a thing happened. We need a generation who think about these problems and do something to overcome them! IT IS US!
What could we do?
Don't litter any trash if there is no trash bag or another trash container
Save water and use it wisely
Save ENERGY not only electricity
Tell your close friends and relatives about the importance of a Life Green
Read articles about our nature and its condition regularly
Avoid using much paper; Use both sides of the paper
Save files in electronic devices such as cellphones and laptop
Recycle reduce reuse recover
And many other actions we can do...
Why I write about going green again and again? Yet, @ twitter I tweet about 'em too?
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How thousands of international youths joined in TUNZA to recover EARTH |
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A 12-year-old boy, my friend, and me in TUNZA |
I can't explain it more because it is something you must do and understand why. This post is only words. The action is ours. The action makes us understand the words. May God bless human beings and mother nature.
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