Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


Guys, this month (October) my friend Iyit will participate in "Chinese Bridge Competition International for Foreign Secondary Students" and she needs our supports starting from now til' 29th October 2011 to vote her on the official website of the Chinese Bridge.

  1. Click on this link :  http://my.chinese.cn//en/index.php 
  2. Register yourself (sign up) just like the ordinary way we usually do..
  3. After you create the profile, without logging out click this link: http://4thpop.bridge.chinese.cn/index.action 
  4. Look at the center of the webpage where there are many people's photos with a red box under each competitor's photo 
  5. Click the first white colored Chinese writing from the left, on the yellow bar - Blue. (You will see Iyit's photo - Red with yellow background in the lower right corner.) 
  6. :)Click the red button and you will have given 1 vote for her! - Yellow

1 vote means so much for her. Thank you so much! Vote may be given every 1 minute. She is my good friend in my school even since I studied in SMPK 1, so giving her votes means giving me happiness too : )

Jesus bless us! Hope the best for Iyit!


-In a few days from now, she will be in China for 3 weeks, leaving all school materials (THIS IS SO HARMFUL) just only for this International competition. So let's make her "sacrifice" be a worthy "sacrifice"!

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